The laboratory was established in 1973 by the joint work between the Faculty of Mines of the Istanbul Technical University and Kandilli Observatory and called “KANTEK”. The location of laboratory is in the campus of the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Çengelköy. The main goal of this laboratory is to investigate the crustal and lithospheric scale movements in Turkey and surrounding area and understand the tectonic processes in the geologic past by using the paleomagnetic rock samples.
Up to date, many research projects were run such as Rotation of Kırşehir Massif; Paleomagnetic properties of the Almancık Mountain; Investigation of neotectonic regime of the western Anatolia and Thrace by the paleomagnetic studies; the neotectonic evaluation of the eastern edge of the Çankırı Basin. Also, this laboratory was used by the undergraduate students for the laboratory experiments required by their graduation project. Currently, the paleomagnetic experiments can be done on both volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the other institutes. However, the present instruments in KANTEK paleomagnetism laboratory are only appropriate for the experiments done on the volcanic rocks. Many geologic and tectonic problems can be solved by using modern instruments which are suitable for the experiments for the sedimentary rocks.